Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Why shouldn't YOU be racist?

Being racist won't realy make you look like this.This advertisement show the affects that racism has not only on the victim but on the person who is being rasist. Racism is a very harmful and distructive action make you a be seen as a very norw minded person. I believe that no person should be judged on the colour of their skin as it does not difine the type of person they are. SO STOP RACISM!

Why are we different?

Race it is just a word. A part of language. Does race really difine who you are? While your watching this vedio I would like you to think about:
What realy is race?
Does it difine a person?
I think it doesn't. why should someone be judged on a physical feacture they cant change? No one can change where they come from or what ethnic group they belong to. So why is race so important?

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Why is it important to stop racism?

Racism is a very important issue that harm a lot of poeple not only does it effect people physically but can have severe emotional concequences as racism can leave people feeling unwanted in society and as if they do not belong due to their race, religion,ethnic background or gender. This needs to stop!

Examples of racism:

"People laught at my acient when I started school in kent. It made me feel as if i was unwanted and didn't belong in the school"

"One day when I was on the bus, and this british woman wanted to sit down on the bus and told me to get up. I refused as I was sitting there first; when she called me a 'immigrant and told me to go back to were I came from'."


"Laundry is the only thing that should be separated by color."

We are all different colours but we are still the same.

We were all born. We will all die.