Thursday 14 July 2011

What is this blog all about?

This blog has been created to help the fight against racism and discrimination. This blog is here to listen to the views of the public and encourage people to combat the growing problem that is racism and discrimination.

Why is Racism and Discrimination such a problem?

'87,000 people from black or minority ethnic communities said they had been a victim of a racially motivated crime. They had suffered 49,000 violent attacks, with 4,000 being wounded. At the same time 92,000 white people said they had also fallen victim of a racially motivated crime. The number of violent attacks against whites reached 77,000, while the number of white people who reported being wounded was five times the number of black and minority ethnic victims at 20,000. Most of the offenders (57%) in the racially motivated crimes identified in the British Crime Survey are not white. White victims said 82% of offenders were not white.’

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